Reversing autoimmune disease course

We live in a time when Autoimmune Diseases seem ever-present. Whether you have a diagnosis or not, one thing is clear – our bodies must contend with a toxic and inflammatory world. Diet, toxicity, infections, stress, and other factors all make our bodies potentially reach a threshold of overwhelm. When that happens a host of symptoms soon follow.

Although the general allopathic medicine approach is to prescribe medication, this path does not provide long-term healing. It is precisely why we created this course. To explore safe and demonstrated methods for reversing these debilitating autoimmune illnesses and bring you back to your best self.

This course aims to provide direct tools you can apply immediately to boost your wellness. As always, we take a multi-faceted approach since there is rarely just ONE thing causing the issue. We developed our Five Factor™ Program for this reason, which is at the heart of this six-week course. Each lesson focuses on a different subject:

Week 1: Introduction

This first week is dedicated to an overview of the program and beginning to understand the holistic approach we will take over the next 6 weeks. We review the Five Factor™ Program and cover some of the preliminary work you will do to make the most out of the 6 week course.

Week 2: Factor 1 – Diet & Autoimmune Issues

As my grandmother used to say, if you eat from a box you’ll end up in a box! What we consume has a profound impact on our wellness. Of all the Five Factors™, diet is one thing we have 100% control over. We can choose what we consume, and so it is a powerful place to start. Core to this week is adopting a basic eating plan and reviewing the foods you take in on a daily basis. 

Week 3: Factor 2 – Dealing with a Toxic World

Heavy metals and man-made toxins have seeped into almost everything. How to clear them is vital for your immune health. To do this we need a comprehensive view of the sources of these toxins and then do what we can to minimize them. These days it is virtually impossible to remove these toxins completely, but we can take strong steps to significantly reduce their impact. 

Week 4: Factor 3 – Infections & Gut Health

Resolving chronic infections and healing our gut biome are critical steps to restoring health and discovering wellness again. Certainly, diet can assist in building a better biome, but you can also introduce effective supplements to rebuild gut challenges. Plus if you have overall body inflammation, it might be difficult for the body to tackle infections. With everything on red alert it is hard to prioritize what to heal first. 

Week 5: Factor 4 – Emotional Health

Our emotional life can have a profound effect on our wellness. Managing the daily stressors and healing trauma is key to healing. If we are holding grief, old unhelpful thought patterns, and deep traumas, those can work against us as we strive to rebuild our state of wellness. We will look at multiple tools that can help us stay grounded, clear-minded and connected to our heart. 

Week 6: Factor 5 – Environmental Factors

We conclude our Reversing Autoimmune course by looking at the many factors in our natural environment that impact our immune system.  When our system is overloaded, things like pollen, dust, mold, and pet dander can push us over the edge into full reaction. This last session looks at simple approaches to manage our living and community environments. 


hand clicks interactively


Community is vital to feeling encouragement and focus on the path of health. Each week, we will hold a live conference call for questions, sharing, and encouragement. The purpose is to interact as a group to discover insights, challenges, and most of all support. 

shield of safety


Every approach we explore as part of this course has one key thread, is it safe and low risk. These days, many of the treatments for autoimmune issues end up causing more harm in the end. We work hard to offer tools that are safe, easy to apply and focus on reversal. 

a network of support


You will soon see that there is often more than one single element creating issues with our immune system being able to function. Our Five Factor™ approach looks at all the possible pieces at play so that the best plan can be created for you and your recovery.


  • Create a Toxin-Free Body and Home Starting Today by Lee Cowden and Connie Strasheim
  • Weekly Video Lectures
  • MP3 Audio
  • Weekly Conference Calls with Dr. Miller
  • Handouts and worksheets
  • We will also do a Healthy Eating and Detox plan as part of the core work.



For over 25 years, Dr. Damon Miller has dedicated his career to understanding, treating, and reversing autoimmune diseases. He is a Board-Certified Radiologist and Five Elements Acupuncturist. 


Christine Rosche. is a Board Certified Nutrition Specialist/Functional Nutritionist with 25 years of experience helping thousands of clients find effective and lasting solutions to their health concerns.


Since 1997, Carlyle has worked as a counselor in bereavement and hospice, exploring how we can care for ourselves and others in this dynamic world. He is an ordained Buddhist Chaplain.


We look forward to seeing you in the course! 6 solid weeks to begin turning your autoimmune issues down a path of recovery and balance. Sign up today and get started. Your body, heart and mind will thank you!